The Government Drugged and Tortured People in a Mine Control Attempt – CONSPIRACY FACTS

The idea of someone drugging and torturing people in order to mind control them sounds like the plot of a science fiction movie. But around 1975 it was revealed the CIA tried doing just that from 1953 to 1973.

” Project M.K. Ultra ” was the umbrella name given to the 149 projects dealing with the CIA drugging “american citizens without their knowledge or consent:.* with LSD.

An indiviual throuugh a freedom of information request found extra documents. 86 universities were involved. it used univeresties without their knowledge it funded researches without their knowledge

Some people were suspecting including heroin addicts who where rewarded for being in the experiment with heroin.

The project ended with 1 accounted death , possibly from the government themselves. Frank Olsen a civilian military. employee unknowingly took LSD then “leaped” to his death. An autopsy showed he had been hurt before this and so it is thought the “leap” was a cover up by the government. His family was paid a settlement.*check

All the things done under M.K. Ultra will never be known as records were ordered to be destroyed in 1973 by then CIA Director Richard Helms except they forgot to destroy what was later discorvered. A 1963 report on it said the “present pracrice is to maintain no records of the planning and approval of test programs”The CIA says they don’t remember anything else.

One thought on “The Government Drugged and Tortured People in a Mine Control Attempt – CONSPIRACY FACTS

  1. Todo mundo debería probar el LSD es una vaina que te habré un tercer ojo, ( no apto para todos)

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