2022 Mid Term Elections : Information and Opinion on How to Vote

It is time again to vote on how we would like our city , state , and the country overall to be run. The ballot can be confusing and it’s hard to know what everything means so I’ll try to break down the California ballot for Los Angeles and Orange County. I’ll give my opinion on what you should vote for and why I think you should vote for that.

State Offices Partisan

These are offices that are divided by party . One person is Democratic and the other is Republican.

For these offices I believe the Democratic person should be elected all the way through. While the Democratic Party has its faults they are minor compared to what Republicans have messed up in other states.

The Texas power grid is always shutting off because it was sold to a private company. Republicans are always giving more rights to counties that are also republican while stripping away rights off Democratic counties. Republican states are also the states most dependent on federal relief.

We cannot let California be ruined by giving Republicans to much power.

Non Partisan Offices

Work in progress, more research on candidates must be done.


More research on candidates must be done . But most likely Democratic Party should be voted for.


Will go over propositions more in depth soon

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