Fetch is an app that gives you points every time you scan receipts ( either physical or online ) . You can use these points for gift cards and even prepaid Visa cards. (Up to $50)
Receipts usually usually get you 25 points . But Fetch offers more if you purchase certain items and brands at certain stores.
These items offer usually up to 10,000 points

It’s easier to get points buying the sponsored items so that’s what I usually buy.
It may seem dumb to buy stuff just to get money but as long as you scan a receipt you can get the points. You can then return the items and get your money back as well as the cards.

Many times I’ll just order online and cancel when my receipt has been emailed so I never have to leave my house to get my points and cards.

I have currently gotten 2 cards . One digital and one physical. It should be noted that the money can’t be transferred to a bank. The cards also expire after a certain time so you need to spend them before.

In times like this an extra $50 dollars for gas (pay in store) , groceries, essentials , and wants definitely helps. So I recommend using Fetch Rewards to make life a bit easier.
Sign up using this link : https://fetchrewards.onelink.me/vvv3/referraltext?code=X8FRB7