what is the United States

While the Supreme Court has done nothing about the police officers and the entire police departments that clearly see the constitution as a joke.
When the police murder and execute U$ citizens for practicing their constitutional rights with out a fair trial or even being read their Miranda rights. The Supreme Court says nothing. Neither does Senate or Congress. The president says nothing either. The 3 branches that are supposed to protect us are doing everything but that. It is obvious the branches are working together. They are not keeping each other in check. They are giving each other check$.
While the Supreme Court laughs at the constitution. The Supreme Court , The Senate , and the president give each other multi-billion dollar checks.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”

This is what The Supreme Court believes is more important than the lives and rights of its citizens . The Court now believes the separation of church and state doesn’t matter either. While many may say ” It is a cultural symbol and not a religious symbol when used in the context of the military, patriotism, national holidays, and special occasions and displays. A cultural symbol is determined by an area, regional, or national general acceptance of an ethic or principle. ” so is the Swastika. For Hindus it means prosperity but for the very patriotic axis powers it is a symbol of strength and military powers for their area. These are gang signs . This is the cow GOD was mad at us for worshiping. While the court and public are ignoring real lives and rights. It is literally worshiping and putting up idols. This is not what GOD would have wanted.

So what is The United States. Is it the Constitution it is constantly breaking. Is it the police that don’t follow their own law. Is it the slaves that built that country . Is it the indigenous people they took their land from .Is it the three branches giving each other money. Is it the rich. Is it England. Is it the UK. Is it Europe. Is it Australia.

I don’t know what The United States is but I know what it isn’t. It is not the land of the free when it has the highest incarceration rate in the world. It is not the land of liberty and justice for all when rights are ignored and the people stealing , neglecting, and killing the innocent public are free. It is not Mexico , It is not Canada , It is not El Salvador , and it is not South America . It is not America . It is not the United States of America when it bully’s and steals from its American neighbors. It is The United States of the rich and powerful criminals ruining the world. The United States are their asylum.


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