With the shootings that happened recently and are still happening everywhere, everyone is looking for a answer that will help resolve these issues.
While there isn’t an easy fix to all the madness going on, I’d would like to delve deeper into the solutions people have such as gun control, security, immigration and even video games. The world isn’t black and white and I believe the answers are somewhere in the middle.
Gun control / Gun Reform
This is one of the solutions many people believe would help reduce problems. It is popular on the left and has supporters on the right too. I support this three but it also has its problems.
Stronger background checks are what a lot of people want and we should have but what would be the assessment? What’s to stop people from going “crazy” after they pass the check? Or for assessments to be biased?
A ban on automatic rifles is next on the list of demands. The rebuttal for this is that this only stops people who follow the law from getting them but criminals already have them.
What we need is strong and regular check ups for everyone. Physical and mental so we stop people from going “crazy” and destroying not only the lives of others but their own lives. Both shooters threw away their own life and future by committing these crimes and they didn’t care. They didn’t care about their family, friends, or anyone around them including themselves (or maybe they cared to much but were brain washed to show it in a violent way, we need to stop hate betweens gangs, races, countries,etc and start letting each other live).
Everyone needs to have something to care about. Family, friends, pets, the arts, science, whatever it is people need to have something to live for that helps get them through the days and gives us something to look forward to. Something that makes us want to keep on living and letting other people live instead of not caring about where we’ll end up. We need that.
Do we need a ban on assault rifles? Not entirely, I feel we need to make assault rifles and guns in general more accessible, at least in a well regulated well monitored vicinity. We need a population capable of knowing how to handle deadly weapons and scenarios. The Dayton shooter was stopped by a police officer but if more people had police officer training, experience, and equipment would he had been stopped sooner? Would the El Paso shooter have been able to kill 22 people if more people in the store were armed and knew how to use it? What if the employees were properly trained in this scenario? Walmart sell guns but who’s teaching us how to use and handle guns properly?
Why was the El Paso shooter able to turn himself in but Philando Castile is dead?

A lot of citizens believe stronger immigration policies would stop the amount of “terror” attacks among other things. But this fails to acknowledge that a lot of shooters and terrorists are citizens.
While stronger immigration policy’s could be argued to help the economy it won’t help with people not caring and caring to much about the wrong thing in the wrong way. The El Paso shooter cared too much about the “Hispanic invasion” and The Dayton shooter didn’t care at all.
The solution to immigration is improving our home countries and the world so there wouldn’t be a reason to immigrate. People don’t just leave their home for no reason, it’s usually because of poverty and war. This is an issue the whole world has to come together to solve.
We need to stop focusing on small problems, distractions, and differences so we can focus on the real enemies; Hunger, Poverty, Hate, War, Global Warming, pollution, etc. Not our neighbor.
We shouldn’t have to go looking for opportunities at life. We shouldn’t have to leave our country or continent to survive. There should be opportunities everywhere.
Corporations can’t be outsourcing jobs to other countries so they can pay their workers less and then fund wars and politicians that will fight to keep the wages low. Everyone deserves fair pay.
When there are opportunities to living everywhere the world can start going places to visit and enjoy the world and life.
Video Games
People and politicians are also saying video games are to blame for desensitizing and dehumanizing people. While it could be argued to desensitize that isn’t the issue we should be fighting. A lot of things desensitize people such as movies, tv shows, news, politicians, the world and life.
The world is a violent place and a lot of video games are based on events that actually happened in the real world. The news covers a lot of violence and even dehumanizes people too by calling them terrorists, invaders, etc.
What we need is better parenting, role models, and opportunities. Parents need to be responsible and watch their own children the government can’t do everything. We also can’t have a false of security the world is dangerous and the sooner we know how to handle those dangers the better and safer we are.
Video games could actually help us better understand history and the feeling people go through, so that the world doesn’t repeat history and have to go through it again. They can be used a teaching tool.
Games can actually be an outlet for people to express themselves in a safe controlled environment instead of in the real world where people actually get hurt.
The Internet and The Bigger Picture
We need to find a way to be safer without restricting freedoms and rights. The world is a dangerous place and it seems to be getting more and more dangerous by the day. While the world seems to be getting worse in some areas it is also becoming better in other areas.
The internet is connecting us all together. It lets us share our ideas, struggles, and life with people all around the world.
While some of the ideas being shared are hateful it shows us all that there is still hate and problems in the world and in the governments running the world.
Knowledge is more accessible now than it has ever been and that is good but it’s only half the battle. With so much “fake news” it’s hard to actually know what’s going on.
Aliens are invading earth! The world is burning! Lizard people are controlling the world! Terrorists! The world is anxious but we should take comfort in the fact that we are not alone and we are all here on earth trying to keep on living and being happy. Just like everything in the universe is trying to do.
We all need food,water,oxygen and a safe place to sleep. When the world finds a way to provide and share its resources with each other we could stop immigrating and start living and improving our communities even more.
We can make Mexico, El Salvador, South America, Africa, Canada, Europe, Australia,Asia, the United States and even Antarctica better than it has ever been.
We will all be able start traveling and enjoying everything every country and continent in this world has to offer without fears of war, cartels, disease, and dirty police.
Everyone online is a citizen of the internet and everyone should be able to access the internet and the world. Just like everyone is a citizen of Earth and should be able to access the resources earth has to offer.
The pen is mightier than the sword. While we are all free to say what we want, all actions have consequences and words we say or type can cause wars and violence or it could help our neighbors, friends, family, and ourselves through a tough time.
We could all just get along and help each other live.