Another day in the United States, another day on earth. 31 dead in total over the weekend. Regular.
“Why? ” is on everyone’s mind as they mourn. Gun control, racism, and video games are believed to be accomplices in the massacres.

On Saturday a man walked into a El Paso Walmart with a AK-47 and started opening fire, killed 22 people, then surrendered.
On Sunday a man was outside of a club and started firing his .223 caliber, Killing 9 people in 30 seconds before local law enforcement killed him.
I am not posting the shooters name or face because fame is probably a big reason why they committed these acts. To be remembered. But they don’t deserve anything anywhere in our world.
There is no talent in killing. Anybody could take a life even a baby. Toddlers and grade school kids are doing it all over the world. Any of us could have done it.

Any of us could have pulled those triggers. So why didn’t we and why did they, why don’t we and why do they keep doing it.
The El Paso shooter wrote a manifesto that gives us a dive into what was in his mind that could have triggered him to act. In the manifesto he wrote about the “Hispanic Invasion”. Something he isn’t alone in believing and being afraid of. A lot of news and media instigates and hypes up this fear including the president of the United States. Even after the shooting the president used the deaths to promote his brand of fear.
Not much is known on the motive of the Dayton shooter. The general belief was that he was already mentally unstable. Sunday at Dayton just happened to be when and where he met his breaking point.

This isn’t the first shooting to happen in the United States and it isn’t going to be the last. They weren’t even the only shootings to happen over the weekend. 7 people killed, 46 people injured in Chicago last weekend. Shootings just happen to be part of the culture in the United States.
Many people see the answer to this as more gun control, stronger security, less immigration, and even less video games. While all of these aren’t bad solutions they aren’t really good solutions either. Each one ignores other major problems and could actually make tensions and problems worse.
While we all want to find an answer that will solve all our problems, now is not the time to point fingers. Let us all grieve in the silent peaceful peace together.

Rest in peace to all the victims of the massacres. My condolences to the families and fast recoveries for the injured.
May we all wake up in a better place.