There is news of a financial aid loophole being taken advantage of where wealthier well off parents will transfer guardianship of their child to lower income people so that the child receives more financial aid than what they would have gotten with the original guardians.

The parents say they spent about 600k putting other children through college but the way they called the other guardians business partners makes it seem like it wasn’t the first time they took advantage of the loophole. Also is the dad the only biological parent who works? If they really want to put their kids through college why don’t both parents work and learn to live within their means and cutback (things the poor have to do) so they could put their kids through college. Maybe get a cheaper house.

Transfer ship is so easy the original guardians just have to have a reason as to why the new guardians could take better care of the child. Props to the kid for getting a summer job and having a better work ethic than her parents. Also what do the other guardians do that they have no income to claim. Is this loophole their only job also is it taxed and helping support the financial aid of not only this child but all the other kids wanting to make a better future for themselves? Kids who’s parents don’t even own homes, are in a single parent household, and actually need the financial aid.

The transfer-ship in all cases like this was granted because “the guardian can provide opportunities to the minor that her parents could not otherwise provide”. This is a lie. The guardian doesn’t provide these opportunities, the government (also known as the tax payers) provide these opportunities and the parents and new guardians take advantage and steal taxpayers money from children that really need help. Also the parents could provide for their kids if they worked harder and smarter but they don’t want to. Laziness is not a disability.

The daughter could have attended a cal state instead of a private college (hopefully in her home state). The college cost was still only $65,000. It doesn’t seem like much compared to the fathers $250,000 a year salary. Most parents have to work multiple jobs for decades in order to save up for half of $65,000.
thousands of dollars stolen from you. The taxpayer. The rest payed by the grandparents. Where are the parents , where are the new guardians to “help provide educational and financial support”.

It is not currently illegal for this to happen but it should be seeing as how both families lied in court. The child’s original family (grandparents) could provide the kid with that educational and financial support. The new guardians aren’t helping provide or support anything. The opportunities are not provided by the new guardians , they are provided by the government/tax payers and the government is not the child’s legal guardian.

The rich stealing from the poor and the poor having to do anything to survive, it is a messed up system and environment we are all products of. The rich have “legal” loopholes their rich parents lobbied for and taught to their kin to help them stay rich and the poor have drugs and “crime”.
College needs to be more accessible for everyone so that a child won’t even need parents to go to college. Kids should be able to make it to the college of their dreams to study for the job of their dreams off merit and if they worked hard enough. In a better world and future.
But we are all in 2019 right now trying to make it towards tomorrow , next week, and the next year while healthcare is expensive to.
It takes a village to raise a child. We are that village , we are the child. Our tax money should help the next generation go to college and/or get a good job/career. Our tax money should help get us food and healthcare so that we could see 20 years of age after school is over , 30 years after college is over , 40 years so we can see our kids be born, 50 so we can see them grow up, 60 so we can retire, 70 and up so we can enjoy retirement.
We need single payer (tax funded) college and healthcare. So that private schools and hospitals can’t charge more for better service when everyone should receive equal treatment.
Everyone needs a helping hand at times, these taxes are that hand and everyone needs to help pay (cough cough Jeff Bezos, Donald) go keep the hand moving and alive because it is helping us move, stay alive, and live happily.
No one likes paying taxes , we don’t even know where it’s going towards. We all want to make more money and be richer than everyone else but what’s it really worth. With the corporations lobbying and working in government that want and make sure healthcare , college and the price on everything else you need goes up. You can make a hundred thousand dollars and still not have enough for college , you can make a million dollars and still not be able to afford your home. If you had $1000 in the 19th century you would be in the 1 percent, if you only have $1000 in 2019 you are in the bottom of the 99 percent.
We need to start bringing the value of a dollar back up. Through taxes and single payer everything , even if you have less money in the end , those checks will get you farther than 10 checks in 2019.
The tax money will go towards college, food, and healthcare subsidies so that private corporations can’t inflate the price of a bandaid. So that colleges don’t go above $100,000 with tax subsidies they probably won’t go over $20,000 hopefully not over 10k. Not to mention the fact that people could still apply for scholarships and bring the price even lower. Hopefully we could eliminate the need for financial aid all together and the only reason you are able to go college is because you deserve to be in college so that you can be the next doctor, architect, scientist, engineer or whatever else you want to be that helps make the world an even better place.
Imagine a government/tax payer funded cafeteria where you could not only work at but enjoy the luxuries of cheap, quality, healthy food that is locally grown and farmed.
Imagine the future and all the jobs that come with it , all the benefits that come with it.